Subjects/participants, researchers, IRB members, and others who have human subjects research related complaints, concerns, recommendations, or reports of suspected misconduct are encouraged to contact one of the offices listed below. Aspects of the Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) unrelated to the IRB may also be directed to these offices.
All inquiries are taken seriously and will be directed to the appropriate personnel. Where a complaint, concern, recommendation, or report of misconduct made to any one of the offices listed below reveals the need to consider modifying any aspect of USC’s Human Research Protection Program, due consideration will be given and changes made, as appropriate. Changes may result from serious allegations proven valid.
FAQs on Reporting Research Misconduct:
Should I Report Research Misconduct Allegations to my Department Chair?
Research misconduct allegations should be reported to the Research Integrity Officer (RIO). If you are a department chair and have received allegations of research misconduct, promptly report those allegations to the Research Integrity Officer. If you have already reported allegations to your department chair, also submit your allegations to USC’s Research Integrity Officer.
How Should I Report Other Allegations Related to Research?
The Office of Professionalism and Ethics maintains a hotline for filing reports or complaints. Examples may include misuse of funds, sexual misconduct, lab safety, protection of research subjects, unmanaged conflicts of interest, and failure to follow intellectual property policy.
You may file such reports at the USC Report and Response website. You may also contact the Office of Research, the Office of Culture, Ethics and Compliance, or the Research Integrity Officer – Kristen Grace, PhD, MD
USC Office of Culture, Ethics and Compliance
(213) 740-8258
Office of Research Integrity
(213) 821-7291
Office for Human Research Protections
Confidential Reporting
Anyone who has knowledge or a good faith belief that an applicable law, regulation, or university policy has been violated should report such information through the USC Report and Response website or by calling 213-740-2500 or 800-348-7454 (toll-free). This number is staffed by live operators 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Threat Assessment and Management
For Crisis Intervention or threat assessment (including instances where anyone on the study team has experienced a threat of any kind from a study participant), contact the Threat Assessment Specialist in the Office of the Provost.
Ben Kallin, MPA, MSW
(213) 740-0411