IRB Review

IRB Review: How to
Learn the basics of the IRB review and approval process.

Forms and Templates
Protocol, consent and authorization forms and templates.

IRB Submission Guidelines
Basic submission guidelines to facilitate protocol submissions.

Levels of IRB Review
Information on what requires IRB review.

Not Human Subjects Research (NHSR)
Guidelines for NHSR determinations.

Urgent Review
Learn about which circumstances qualify for an urgent review.

Post IRB Review and Approval
Guidance for investigators on what to do after they receive back their iStar application.

IRB Committees

BioIRB Meeting Dates
Biomedical IRB meeting dates.

BioIRB Rosters
Current and archived Biomedical IRB Membership Rosters.

SBIRB Meeting Dates
Social Behavioral IRB meeting dates.

SBIRB Roster
Current and archived Social Behavioral IRB Membership Rosters.

IRB Member Toolbox
Resource page for IRB Members.


FWA and IRB Registration Numbers
Federalwide Assurances and IRB Registration Numbers applicable to studies conducted at USC.

American Indian & Alaskan Native Populations
Guidelines to conduct respectful and beneficial research in AI/AN communities.

Department of Defense (DoD) Guidance
Guidelines for investigators conducting, supporting, or collaborating with DoD.

Privacy, Confidentiality, and Anonymity
Guidance for researchers on privacy, confidentiality, and anonymity in human subjects research.