Getting Started
A list of resources to help you get started for IRB review.
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Forms and Templates
Protocol, consent, and all IRB forms and templates.
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HRPP June 2024 Updates
Please Use The Most Recent Protocol Templates
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Human Research Protection Program (HRPP)

The HRPP in partnership with the research community, is responsible for ensuring the safety and welfare of participants in Human Subjects Research conducted under the aegis of USC. HRPP, which is a Division within the Office of Research and Innovation, provides the campus and the four USC Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) with professional guidance and administrative support and oversight.

IRB Tips of the Month!

1. Please remember that information sheets and recruitment are required for most exempt studies in Section 40 in iStar. 

2. Adverse Events that are unexpected, related or possibly related, and are either serious or place subjects or others at a greater risk of harm than was previously known or recognized, must be reported to the IRB as soon as possible, but not later than 10 working days after the investigator becomes aware of the event.


Current IRB Wait Time

The table below depicts the approximate time it takes for an IRB Analyst to be assigned to review your new protocol submission.  Data are updated on Mondays.

Approximate # of Weeks to Analyst Assignment: 1.

Please note that amendments will be subject to the same wait time above. All protocol submissions and/or amendments are reviewed in the order they are received.


HRPP June 2024 Updates

Click below to access the June 2024 HRPP Pulse, a monthly newsletter of updates, tips and more.  Click here

HRPP May 2024 Updates

Click below to access the May 2024 HRPP Pulse, a monthly newsletter of updates, tips and more.  Click here

HRPP April 2024 Updates

Click below to access the April 2024 HRPP Pulse, a monthly newsletter of updates, tips and more.  Click here